Anna's Vaginal Bleeding

October 26, 2020 Print Friendly Version of this page Print Get a PDF version of this webpage PDF

 By Samanta Zahir (Foundation Year 1 Doctor)

Anna White
10/18/1991 (29 years)
32+5 weeks
I noticed some blood passing from down below this morning, its not continuous but it has been 8 hours now. I'm quite worried about this bleeding. 
If asked:
Fresh blood 
No clots 
No trigger 
Roughly 2 cups of blood
Haven't felt the baby kick in the last couple of hours
Current Pregnancy History
All scans and tests
Was told that my placenta was "low-lying" but they said it would move
No other abnormalities found with tests/scans
No hospital admissions
Previous Obstetric History
1 previous pregnancy: 5-year-old
- Emergency c-section 2015 - foetal distress
- No other complications before/after delivery
No miscarriages/terminations 
Past Medical History
Past Surgical History
C-section as above in 2015
Systems Review
Drug History 
No known allergies
Family History
Father had a heart attack earlier this year - aged 62
Social History
(Occupation/ Smoking/ Alcohol/ Recreational drugs) 
Smoking - Never smoked
Alcohol - rare, not during pregnancy 
Recreational drugs - no 
Occupation - Accountant 
Living situation - House, with husband and 5-year-old child
Ideas, concerns, expectations
I really don't know, I'm very worried about my baby. Is my baby going to be okay?
0 1 2 Markscheme
Introduces self, washes hands
Confirms patient's name & date of birth, establishes gestation
Gain's consent & builds rapport

History of presenting complaint
Onset, duration, progression
Bleeding: amount, colour, clots

Any other bleeding episodes
Associated symptoms: abdominal pain, headache, discharge
Fetal movements

Current obstetric history
Ultrasound scan – placental location
Complications – previous bleeding, Hospital admissions, pre-eclampsia

Rhesus status

Past Obstetric History
Previous deliveries – year, gestation, mode of delivery, birth weight, complications
Previous pregnancy losses – miscarriage, termination
Previous pregnancy histories: GDM, pre-eclampsia, APH
Cervical smears - previous abnormal results when last smear was taken

General Medical History
Past medical history / Past Surgical History
Drug history & allergies
Family history – bleeding disorders, obstetric conditions e.g. GDM
Social history: Smoking, Alcohol, Living situation/support
Systems enquiry
Ideas, concerns, and expectations

Summarises back to patient
Avoids medical jargon
Thank patient and close consultation

Examiner Questions
Gives reasonable differential diagnoses: Placenta praevia, Placental abruption, Bloody show, Ectropion, Vasa praevia

Investigations & management plan
Suggests appropriate investigations (Ultrasound, CTG, relevant blood tests [see below])
Gives appropriate management plan (A-E assessment, senior review, anti-D, corticosteroids)

Questions to candidates: 

Q1. What are your differential diagnoses?
  • Placenta praevia 
  • Placental abruption 
  • Bloody show 
  • Ectropion 
  • Vasa praevia 
  Q2. What is the difference between major and minor placenta praevia?
  • Major placenta praevia is when the placenta covers the internal cervical os
  • Minor placenta praevia is when the leading edge of the palcenta is in the lower segment but not covering the internal cervical os
  Q3. How would you manage this patient?
  • Admit for observation and monitoring 
  • ABCDE approach to resuscitaton, which may include the following if indicated: 
    • Two large bore cannulas
    • Bloods to include FBC, clotting profile, group & save, Kleihauer test, U&E, Liver function tests
  • Obstetric Examination
  • Ultrasound abdomen
  • CTG
  • Anti-D given within 72 hours of onset of bleeding if Rh-ve
  • Antenatal corticosteroids if immediate delivery not indicated
  • Senior review - emergency/elective c-secton
