David Doose
05/09/1966 (50 years)
I have had trouble opening
the door and writing recently as my right hand feels very weak. My left arm
has been quite stiff and I can’t bend it properly. If asked specifically,
this is progressive and the right hand started first. This means I have had
to call in sick for two weeks now, and the restaurant business just cannot
run for longer without me. I want to know if I am going to die soon because I
have no energy and my wife thinks I am wasting away. Just look at me! I’ve
also noticed my muscles twitching, and am very anxious.
Past Medical History
Drug History
Paracetamol for stress
Family History
Adopted so unknown.
Social History
Non-smoker, drinks a few
times a week with his wife (a couple of glasses of wine with dinner), no
recreational drug use
Introduction and consent
Name, age, occupation
Presenting complaint
History of Presenting Complaint (duration,
onset, any triggers, progression, worse at a specific time of the day)
Previous episodes or recent illnesses
Any associated features (tremor, weakness,
wasting, fasciculation, swallowing/speech problems, falls, neuro symptoms –
headaches, seizures, LOC, sphincter control, sensory changes, visual/speech
Red flags: headache (worse on
coughing/bending/with vomiting), loss of consciousness, recent trauma
Constitutional symptoms (fever, weight loss,
malaise, loss of appetite)
Past Medical History
Family History
Drug History and allergies
Social History (smoking, alcohol, drugs)
Ideas e.g. “Was there anything you thought it
might be?”
Concerns e.g. “What about it is worrying you
in particular?”
Expectations e.g. “Is there anything in particular
you’re hoping we could do for you?”
Summarises and thanks patient
Offer differentials (MND, bulbar palsy,
multiple sclerosis, MG) and appropriate follow up (full neurological
examination, bloods, nerve conduction tests)